Episode 3

Published on:

25th Jan 2021

Resident Evil: Childhood vs Key Lime Voodoo

We've watched films full of copyright infringement that seemed like they were made by children, but this is the first time we've watched one that was ACTUALLY made by children. This week it's going head-to-head against first-time filmmaker Jo Blanco's distinctly Floridian take on a Voodoo love story edited with a rusty hacksaw.

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About the Podcast

Caustic Content
Caustic Content pits two friends against each other as they scour the bowels of online streaming services and compete to find the absolute worst movie on the internet.
Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu might boast an impressive collection of films, but there's a lot of trash to wade through. Caustic Content pits two friends against each other as they scour the bowels of online streaming services and compete to find the absolute worst movie on the internet.
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